We did it!
The Senate just passed our bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act and handed millions of same-sex couples the same protections that all other marriages enjoy. We know all too well that Supreme Court precedents can be overturned. Once this bill becomes law, same-sex couples will be assured their rights won’t be taken away.
This victory comes on the heels of unimaginable tragedy after last week’s shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs. This community is paying with their lives for the rise in hate and bigotry, and we have to do more than remember the victims. We have to give people the freedom to be who they are, love who they love, and live full lives.
Americans overwhelmingly support the constitutional right to marry who they love without meddling from politicians or the government, and we’re proud to stand firmly with our LGBTQ+ friends and neighbors. But today is not the end. It’s just the beginning. The fight for equality marches on.
Senator John Hickenlooper