Press Releases

Hickenlooper Announces Nearly $17 Million in American Rescue Plan Grants for Health Care Infrastructure

Sep 30, 2021

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper today announced that 19 Colorado health care organizations will receive $16,768,678 in American Rescue Plan grants to modernize health care centers across the state.

The new grants will support construction, expansion, and other improvements.  A range of health care providers throughout Colorado are receiving the funding, including several rural health care organizations that help advance health equity in medically underserved communities. 

“Health centers across Colorado faced incredible strain during the pandemic,” said Hickenlooper. “Investing in their growth will greatly improve the lives of thousands of Coloradans”

Hickenlooper is a member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. A full list of Colorado recipients and grant amounts is available HERE and below.

CityRecipientGrants Awarded
AlamosaValley Wide Health Systems$895,395
AuroraRegents of the University of Colorado$538,544
Colorado SpringsPeak Vista Community Health Centers$1,527,257
DenverColorado Coalition for the Homeless$667,244
DenverDenver Health and Hospitals Authority$2,437,199
DenverLa Clinica Tepeyac$542,000
DenverMetro Community Provider Network$1,065,004
DurangoSouthwest Colorado Mental Health Center$587,527
EvansSunrise Community Health$961,692
Fort LuptonPlan De Salud Del Valle$1,415,970
FriscoSummit Community Care Clinic$594,384
Glenwood SpringsMountain Family Health Centers$683,000
Grand JunctionMarillac Clinic$638,402
LafayetteClinica Campesina Family Health Services$1,156,348
LamarHigh Plains Community Health Center$602,443
NorwoodUncompahgre Combined Clinics$961,692
OlatheOlathe Community Clinic$563,415
PuebloPueblo Community Health Center$801,191
Steamboat SpringsNorthwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association$568,475


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