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GIDDY UP-DATE NEWSLETTER: The Colorado River Caucus

Feb 10, 2023

Hey folks,

Let’s talk water. We all know the Colorado River is in serious trouble. Water levels are at a historic low, and the states that rely on the river – Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, California, Wyoming, and, of course, Colorado – are feeling the pressures of 23 years of drought.

We can’t just fight each other over less and less water while the river runs dry. So, in the Senate, we’ve begun meeting regularly with senators from the Colorado River Basin states to figure out the best use of our resources and find a seven-state solution. And now, we’re officially forming a caucus to continue these important conversations. Check it out ?

Bottom line: we can’t keep fighting state vs state, upper basin vs lower basin, while we hope for more water that isn’t coming. The Colorado River is a lifeline for the 40 million people who rely on it, and we have to work together toward a solution.

This is a today problem; it can’t wait until tomorrow. Thanks for listening – and stay tuned!

Senator John Hickenlooper

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