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GIDDY UP-DATE NEWSLETTER: Let’s talk about unions

Sep 27, 2023

Hey folks, 

What do car assembly workers, writers, and actors all have in common? They’re all on strike fighting for better conditions, pay, and benefits. 

Unions give workers a say in how they’re treated at a time when massive corporations are increasing pay for their CEOs and participating in stock buybacks. To explain how important unions are to American workers, I made a HikTok (Sunset Boulevard anyone?) – Check it out: 

Just yesterday, it was reported that Hollywood writers, through their union WGA, have reached a deal with the major media studios and ended their strike to secure better pay and ensure that their livelihoods and creative works are protected against the potential risks of AI. That’s big news! 

But workers in other industries are still fighting for fair agreements, including car assembly workers and actors. I stopped by both the SAG-AFTRA and UAW picket lines in Denver to show my support for the strikes and chat with the workers about how we can better advocate for them in Washington. 

Fun fact: I’m a card-carrying member of SAG-AFTRA! 

As we move towards a more equitable economy for everyone, workers deserve the right to voice their needs, and unions help make this happen. Giddy up!


Senator John Hickenlooper

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